2020 AIA Florida/Caribbean Design Awards

The 2020 Design Awards jury convened virtually in April of 2020. The jury was assembled by President of the Union Internationale des Architectes (UIA) and Past President of AIA, Thomas Vonier, FAIA, and consisted of three Paris-based architects including Thomas Coldefy, Intl. Assoc. AIA, Isabel Meincke, Intl. Assoc. AIA, and Alireza Razavi, AIA. They meticulously reviewed a record-number 330 project submissions. Ultimately, the jury conferred 34 Design Awards representing 27 firms in Florida and Puerto Rico.

Awards were bestowed at three levels in each of the design award categories: Honor, Merit, and Citation, of which Honor is the highest distinction. The Honor level acknowledges a project with distinctive character and outstanding quality. Merit awards recognize projects that demonstrate a level of design that exemplifies superior achievements. Citations recognize projects of notable accomplishment in a specific area.


  • Honor Award | Interiors